Our primary focus is supporting autistic people without additional intellectual disability – both pre- and post-diagnosis, including those who are self-diagnosed.
Autistic adults without intellectual disability do not normally receive support or services but many still struggle with securing and sustaining meaningful work and relationships.

Only 22% of autistic people are in employment
Suicide rates for autistic adults without intellectual disability are nine times the UK average; for autistic women, this rises to thirteen times more than for non-autistic women.
There are a significant number of autism-related charities and non-profits in the UK, but very few are autistic-led. Many of these charities spend a large amounts of money on “awareness” yet the statistics on employment and suicide have not changed in over a decade, if anything, they have got worse.
Our own conversations and surveys showed that a significant number of autistic people without intellectual disability believe they would do better working and socialising in autistic-led, autistic-majority spaces.
Most charities and non-profits are focussed on helping autistic people to cope in neurotypical-majority spaces; we enable autistic people to thrive in spaces that are uniquely for them.
employment statistics: Outcomes for disabled people in the UK – Office for National Statistics report, 2021
suicide statistics: Suicide and Autism, a National Crisis – Royal College of Psychiatrists training, 2021